Shehbazsoft is worked under our two founders, Farhan Sikander and Fuzail Sikander. They are working as strong dynamic pillars under the flag of shehbazsoft. They both are the most precious assets of the company. Their knowledge, keen hard work and great amount of and great amount of experience in the field have made the software company in their related market. The e-bazaar created by them in such market has given the company unique position in the software field.
They both are strong pillars, thinkers and at the same time the keen workers of the company. Their partnership is giving them and their customers a satisfied, profitable professional software and software house.


Shehebazsoft business development and relational division

Shehbazsoft business relations:


Shehbazsoft as said before loves hardworking and every penny earned makes the company keener and increases the responsibility on company’s shoulders. We believe in working among our customers. We don’t believe in such business where the customer satisfied or not, has to take the product and use it. We dwell among them, learn their problems and through our expertise and strength solve them. We are customer oriented Software Company. We customize our software according to the customer needs. Even working in the same field all customers have their problems with a lot of different variations and we enjoy solving all them with the available labor and techniques. All our customers are like our patients and a doctor has to remain attentive and up to date every time and any time. Our nursing is on and on throughout the week to make our customers satisfied and happy all the time




Shehbazsoft business development:


Here we’ll talk about the business point of view. This department of ours is completely responsible to work among our customers like a tea picker, or an eavesdropper who collect all the information from the market like technical problems occurring in the market any other complaints or any new innovations introduced to the market. We then want to be there like pizza man at the time and on the spot facing every thing with full determination. This department also helps to increase the revenue of the company by marketing and bringing up new customers and making the shehbazsoft family big.

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